Peter Goers in Joyful Strains
The Great Goers, raconteur and Fringe Award winner, returns to his beloved Holden Street Theatres for his sixth Fringe outing of gags, yarns and pathos particularly for old people. With special guests and really good free parking.
Praise for Peter Goers
★★★★★ "He is an experienced and engaging speaker...his presence appears so natural it is as though he were born and raised on the hardwood floorboards of stage." Kryztoff RAW.
★★★★★ "an Adelaide institution" Glam Adelaide.
★★★★ "Goers [is] a master wordsmith and talented storyteller" YEWTH
Presented by: Peter Goers in assoc. with Holden Street Theatres
Holden Street Theatres is the 'Home of Theatre' in Adelaide. Showcasing the best local, national, and international theatre, Holden Street seeks to promote bold new work and support the South Australian arts industry.
Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts
Goers knows his crowd and flawlessly plays to them. - Patrick McDonald, The Advertiser
For an hour of good old fashioned fun, this show is a must-see! - Adelaide Review Team
Everything about this show will make a parochial South Australian heart glow. - Michael Genrich, Weekend Notes