This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

PERTURBATOR - Yellow ornate arches on a black background, with skeletons dancing in between the arches.



Following extensive and immensely successful European and USA tours throughout 2022, the dark and retrofuturistic music of PERTURBATOR returns to Australia in 2023 including a first ever performance in Adelaide! Accompanied with new music and further reinventions, PERTUBATOR have signalled a drastic sonic movement and ushered fans into deeper unchartered territory.

A suitable addition to the audible foray is USA ‘slasherwave’ artist GOST. Appearing for the first time in Australia, GOST's music bridges the pit and the dancefloor, draping doom-laden occult imagery atop pulsing beats and blackened soundscapes.

Presented by: Soundworks Direct in association with The Link Productions & The New Dead Promotions presents