This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

Paul McDermott Plus One - Blood Orange - Cartoon Paul yelling into a megaphone

Paul McDermott Plus One - Blood Orange

Comedy • Music
New South Wales

Blood Orange is the third collaboration between writer/performer Paul McDermott and guitar/rock/god Glenn Moorhouse, tackling three large conceptual themes facing contemporary society: The fall of Empire, the rise of women, and wanking (not necessarily in that order).

Daring and dangerous, and willing to dive head-first into topics most other comedians are afraid of touching, PAUL + 1 offers a dark antidote to this nervous, and over-protective era. It is a carnival ride of the absurd, a feral outpouring of indignant rage at a broken system, and a sweet-voiced assault on hypocrisy, seamlessly executed by a swaggering idiot and his guitar-playing cocaine bear.

★★★★★ “Naughty fun of the highest calibre” The Clothesline  

★★★★ “He’s lost none of his aggressive charm” Time Out  

Presented by: Rhinestone Rebel Presents