Multiple small coloured circles with the same man's face in each, but with a different emotional expression in each one, set against a black background with the words 'OUTSIDE IN' vertically displayed in white to the left of the images.
Multiple small coloured circles with the same man's face in each, but with a different emotional expression in each one, set against a black background.
Multiple small coloured circles with the same man's face in each, but with a different emotional expression in each one, set against a black background with the words 'OUTSIDE IN' horizontally displayed in white to the left of the images.


Matt is a 35-year-old 10-Pin bowling champ, a master of 'mash n gravy' at his KFC job, has performed as the Grinch at Movieworld, slays an Eminem rap, can quote any WWE fact or speech, and cruises around the Gold Coast on his electric scooter in underwear that matches the day of the week. And he has autism.

In his show, Matt invites you to share in his personal story and understanding of the world through an emotional "Pixar-like" kaleidoscope of joy, sadness, anger, disgust and fear.

"By letting you into my mind from the outside-in, my hope is that you will be changed from the inside-out."

ABUNDABILITEEZ PRODUCTIONS is a disability led production company and is extremely proud to premiere this show as its first professional project. 

Cabaret • Disability Led
Queensland • World Premiere
Fringe Fund Recipient
d/Deaf and/or Lived Experience of Disability Shows
Thu, 20 Mar - Fri, 21 Mar
60 min
Nexus Arts Venue
M (3 Warnings)
$35 to $40
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details