NoMaD - Sounds of the Planet

• World Music

NoMaD (Sounds of the Planet) features the best multicultural music and dance groups from South Australia including Flamenco, African drumming, Greek, Brazilian, Chinese, Philippino, Italian, Ukrainian, Aboriginal, Indian, Mexican, Bollywood, Belly, Russian, Sri Lankan and more.

17-Feb Friday - Studio Flamenco Yevshan Ukrainian Arts - Shivagarjana - Adelaide - Belly Dance Amethyst

18-Feb Saturday - Studio Flamenco - Yevshan Ukrainian Arts - Shivagarjana - Adelaide - Belly Dance Amethyst

19-Feb Sunday - Studio Flamenco Youth Company - Yevshan Ukrainian Arts Youth Company - Shruthi Adelaide Youth Company - Greek Lyceum of South Australia

21-Feb Tuesday - Studio Flamenco - Yevshan Ukrainian Arts - Shivagarjana - Adelaide - Belly Dance Amethyst

22-Feb Wednesday - Shruthi Adelaide - Zaffit SA Adelaide South African Choir - School of Chinese Music SCMA

23-Feb Thursday - Shruthi Adelaide - Zaffit SA - Adelaide South African Choir - School of Chinese Music SCMA

24-Feb Friday - Studio Flamenco Zaffit SA - Adelaide South African Choir - Blessed Gospel Choir

25-Feb Saturday - Studio Flamenco - Monteverdi Singing Group - Fusion Beats Bollywood - Blessed Gospel Choir

26-Feb Sunday - Studio Flamenco Youth Company - Shruthi Adelaide Youth Company - Yevshan Ukrainian Arts Company - Greek Lyceum of South Australia

28-Feb Tuesday - Studio Flamenco - Monteverdi Singing Group - Fusion Beats Bollywood - Pyrrhic Cultural-Association

1-Mar Wednesday - LENEK' Folkloric Society - Monteverdi Singing Group - Fusion Beats Bollywood - Pyrrhic Cultural-Association

2-Mar Thursday - LENEK' Folkloric Society - Bates and Mates (Aboriginal Musicians) - Danca Brazil Entertainment - Mexican Revolution

3-Mar Friday - 'LENEK' Folkloric Society - Bates and Mates (Aboriginal Musicians) - Danca Brazil Entertainment - Mexican Revolution

4-Mar Saturday - Studio Flamenco - Bates and Mates (Aboriginal Musicians) - Danca Brazil Entertainment - Mexican Revolution

5-Mar Sunday - Studio Flamenco - Yevshan Ukrainian Arts - Belly Dance Amethyst

Presented by: Studio Flamenco Inc