This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2022 season. This season is now over.

Image of Cedric Varcoe's artwork about the Ngarrandjeri culture
Amanda Westley image about Ngarrandjeri country and culture
Cedric Varcoe image of his Ngarrandjeri culture

Ngarrindjeri Ruwe

South Australia • Adelaide Fringe Premiere

Ngarrindjeri artists Cedric Varcoe, Amanda Westley, Kyla McHughes, Kevin Kropindjeri and Sandra Saunders present a mixed media exhibition titled 'Ngarrindjeri Ruwe' - Our Lands and Waters -  includes a series of workshops, demonstrations, Indigenous live music, smoking ceremony and welcome to country.

The exhibition offers rich layered experiences and provides memorable, quality Indigenous engagement, enhancing an understanding of ‘country and community’.

 Visitors can view Aboriginal artists at work through demonstrations and observe various cultural events including a smoking ceremony, welcome to country and contemporary live music featuring Aboriginal performers. Adults and children can participate in workshops. A smoking ceremony and cleansing prepares the ground for the events .

Presented by: Red Poles

Opening on Saturday Feb 19 from 5pm