This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2020 season. This season is now over.


Theatre and Physical Theatre • Comedy
Victoria • SA Premiere
Mullygrub: noun

1. A period of time when one is feeling down and out.

2. That f**ked up kids show from the 90s that had no place being as creepy and well-adored as it was.

3. The creature you become when you're exhausted by the weight of being a woman and the price of queerness and making tasteless jokes is all you can do to get by.

Presented by: Harry Thompson & Leah Filley

Harry Thompson is a Melbourne based writer who studied acting both in Melbourne and in New York and has appeared in many shows over the years, most notably the Fringe show American Astronaut in 2011, to a sold out run. Taking time off from performing the last five years to focus on his writing career, this show is a step back into form.

Leah Filley is a Melbourne based actor, writer and producer. She received a Masters in Acting from the Actors Studio Drama School in NYC. She has performed Shakespeare all over the world, was a lead in a US feature film, writes plays yearly for the new play development company CRY HAVOC in NYC, and her theatre company, White Horse Collective, produced the Australian premiere of Tennessee Williams' 'Summer and Smoke' (in which she was also the lead).

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