This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

An aggressive kangaroo looks towards us from an outback landscape of dry grass and stormy skies. In the distance to the right, sits an old wooden shed.
The Mudbrick hotel at night time. A mangy dog is near the door.
A big shed in Mudbrick - a large tin shed with rusted panels of tin. And a keep out sign in the grass near the shed. A sign that says "No knees allowed"

Mudbrick - Home of the BIG Shed

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Satire
South Australia • World Premiere

In a quality of life survey Australia dropped 30 places (below the UK!!). The problem: A town called Mudbrick. Barb Chernobyl & Pearl Harbour are bringing down some Mudbrickians to visit Adelaide and dispel any rumours you may have heard about Mudbrick bombing the neighbouring town of Knees. These rumours are unsubstantiated. Please don’t google them. 

By attending this event you are waiving your basic human rights. The Australian Guvment is in no way responsible for what may happen to you upon attendance. Exposure to the people of Mudbrick may result in headaches, nausea, increased uranium levels, & FUN FUN FUN.

Created by award-winning storyteller Nate Troisi & the KINDRED Collective. If you like Welcome to Whoop Whoop, Deadloch, & very weird comedy. 

★★★★★ "BONZA" The Mudbrickian.

Presented by: SAYarts

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • ROFL 1
  • Hidden Gem 1
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