This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

picnic scene
Badger and audience
Wild Wood

MR BADGER tells the story of The Wind in the Willows

Kids and Family • Storytelling
South Australia

MR BADGER tells the story of The Wind in the Willows" under a shady tree at Carrick Hill during Adelaide Fringe. A delightful storytelling performance of this classic tale celebrating the joys of nature and friendship. Picnic style seating, suits ages 5-95, approx 40 minutes. 

"I highly recommend this production to families . . . a fantastic way to introduce children to a classic story, and to the majestic Carrick Hill grounds." 

Weekday schools performances by prior arrangement, contact Fringe. 
The story is told beautifully it is delightful to sit wth children who are enthralled by a story. That this tale, written in 1908, still fascinates them is testament to the power of the written word. Long may it be so.

Presented by: Splash Theatre Company

Established 1997, touring company,

Meet on the eastern (hills) side of the main Carrick Hill house to be taken to performance area. Picnic rugs provided and some seating for adults, you are welcome to bring folding chairs. You are welcome to picnic afterwards in the grounds.


Family friendly, classic story of friendship and nature in idyllic surroundings suits ages 5-95

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Session details

Sat, 24 Feb

11:00am - 11:40am

Stable Lawns at Carrick Hill

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Venue details

Venue details

Carrick Hill, 46 Carrick Hill Drive, Springfield, Kaurna

Space may not have an accessible bathroom or may not be accessible for another reason.
Venue is suitable for all ages
Detailed venue info and space accessibility