This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

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Miner Threat

Comedy • Stand-up
Queensland • SA Premiere

Miner Threat is a comedy show about mining towns, larikin-ism and Aussie adventures from the Hunter Valley to Central Queensland. What does it mean to be an Australian? What is the future of mining in an ever changing world? What defines a bogan and should they be granted human rights? All these questions and more will not be particularly well answered in this show

Presented by: Nigel Seto

Nigel Seto is a Comedian and Engineer from Queensland. He has worked in the mining industry for over 10 years. Living in mining towns, mining camps and everywhere in between. His Show "Miner Threat" takes a look at some of the absurdities of the industry, the genuineness of the people involved and the internal conflict of the need for resources verse the need for sustainability.