Menopause - the Masterclass
'Menopause the Masterclass' is a fun and informative workshop about nutrition and weight gain in menopause – what it is, how much it matters, and how to manage it. Factual but light-hearted and humorous, the workshop offers a nutritionist's practical advice about doing menopause differently.
Join Megan and Jill as they discuss the topics close to your heart, answer your questions, and leave you with pithy, doable actions to maintain your sense of self as you navigate the 'Change of Life' (which is what is used to be called before people realised it's not rude to call things by their real names).
And for an extra treat, the world premiere of an on-theme song composed and performed live by guest artist, Adelaide singer/songwriter Salty Pete Chambers.
Presented by: Megan Dyson and Jillian Smith
Megan is a nutritionist and author of the book '5 for Life: Healthy Ways for Healthy Weight'. She’s also an environmental lawyer, middle-aged and menopausal. Her legal bent means she loves finding facts and weighing evidence, so 5 for Life is an entirely fad-free zone.
Jill is also a writer and a recovering lawyer who has swapped the courtroom for the caravan, running The Migration Museum Courtyard’s VanBar Adelaide.