This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

Meg Jäger and Ben Hunter: Gathering - Meg and Ben, waring cool shades, watering a cactus. Ben is standing, Meg, sitting.

Meg Jäger and Ben Hunter: Gathering

Comedy • Stand-up
Queensland • Australian Premiere

Two of the country’s most promising young comedians, both already with a firm grasp on their voices as comedians, Meg Jäger and Ben Hunter bring a breath of fresh air with their debut show. Fun, silly and full of youthful zest. It's a gathering.

Meg Jäger is a high school History teacher by day and a belligerent bitch by 3pm. 

Meg has performed at The Comedy Store, the 2022 Adelaide Fringe, the 2022 MICF, and opened for acts such as Randy Feltface, Mel Buttle, and Akmal Saleh. 

Ben’s insane life as a private school graduate and retail assistant sees him go a little zany on-stage, often delving into the absurd.

A RAW QLD State Finalist, and has performed in Melbourne, Adelaide, Cairns, and the Gold Coast to rave reception.

Presented by: Meg Jäger and Ben Hunter