MASSAOKE Oz: 80s vs 90s Live - Holding copy

MASSAOKE Oz: 80s vs 90s Live

Music • Rock
South Australia • Australian Premiere

The legendary live band, late night party is back for a spandex-clad showdown between the greatest smash hits of the 80s and the biggest hairbrush anthems of the 90s.

Are you team TOTO or TLC? BON JOVI or BRITNEY? A-HA or AEROSMITH? Dress up as your decade, bring the sing and fight for your right to party!

MASSAOKE Oz is a dazzling, high energy live music experience with mash-ups, megamixes and more - supercharged with videos, giant singalong lyrics, rock star poses, face-melting guitar solos and YOU - the real stars of the show.

★★★★★ 'Best night ever!' What's On Adelaide

'Electrifying' Time Out London


Presented by: Hey Dowling + Massaoke

Hey Dowling is the intersection of two production companies that have joined forces to amplify artistic expression and bring new works to stage. It is the meeting of Hey Boss – a collaborative production company specialising in edgy, contemporary, broadly accessible, fun, and intellectually sophisticated work spanning the genres of cabaret, comedy, theatre and music – and Dowling Street Productions – a commercial production company specialising in main-stage, works of scale in the areas of cabaret, musical theatre, music and dramatic theatre.

Inspired by the elation of shared mass experience, their work aims to connect, to fuel empathy, understanding and unity through universal languages of pathos, humour, music, movement.

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Standing ovation 1
  • Bang for your buck 1
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