This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

8 acrobats face the horizon and look over an inclement beach.
An aerialist performs a vertical split in the air with a red silk.
19 acrobats huddle in a group, looking up awaiting their rescue.


South Australia

Stranded on a desert island, a group of 19 strangers navigate how to survive, and ultimately, escape. With ingenuity, creativity, and a lot of teamwork, the adventurous cast of Creative Motion strive to overcome adversity whilst making new, meaningful, and lasting connections. 'Marooned' is a show for the whole family, featuring acrobatics, aerial and dance. 

Presented by: Creative Motion

Creative Motion is a group of 19 youth acrobats and dancers. Training right here in South Australia, we are somewhat of the new kids on the block in the circus scene, but we can't wait to show you what we can do. Our shows combine acrobatics, dance and aerial, providing a bit of something for everyone to enjoy!

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Mind-blowing 1

    If the quality of this show is anything to go by, the future of circus is in good hands. - Jo Laidlaw, The List

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