On the right, an illustration of a bird with music notes coming from its mouth. It's wings, one yellow and one blue, form the shape of a love heart. On the left, it says "LOVE FROM UKRAINE. A CELEBRATION OF UKRAINIAN FOLK SONGS AND DANCES BY KASHTAN FOLK CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA."
Volya Ukrainian Cossack Dancers transform culture into movement, bringing energy to the stage to lift your spirits!
A section of soloists from the choir


A 2hr concert with intermission, comprising of vibrant and spectacular Ukrainian folk songs and dances presented by the 30 member KASHTAN Ukrainian folk choir and 12 piece backing orchestra together with the VOLYA cossack dancers and the HOPAK dance group .    

Variety • Compilation
South Australia
Culturally and/or linguistically diverse
Sat, 01 Mar - Sun, 02 Mar
120 min
Ballroom at Ballroom Function Centre
More show, venue & access details