This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2018 season. This season is now over.

Loc Tran Anchorman - Random News About Stuff

Comedy • Stand Up
World Premiere
Loc Tran adds his own comical twist to random news stories with topics including:

* The de-crimilisation of same-sex marriages in Vietnam.
* That time when Pokemon Go was more popular than Tinder.
* And how Crayfish get drunk more easily when around other Crayfish.

You'll love this show if you are:

* Open minded.
* Like to support new obscure talent.
* Have seen his video on Youtube and think that it's pretty OK.

You'll hate this show if you are:

* Looking for something a bit more serious.
* Prefer comedians who are very in your face, loud and "worked up."
* Only support established comedians who already get plenty of stage time.

Food and drinks from 7pm.

For early bird bonus offer go to...

Presented by: Loc Tran

Loc Tran is an Adelaide Comedian, Disc Jockey and Public Speaker.

He can often be seen on stage at various local comedy nights including One Mic Stand (open mic comedy every Monday night at the Rhino Room) as well as Cranker Comedy (free comedy showcasing new and emerging artists every first and third Tuesday of the month).

He is often asked to DJ and Emcee at wedding receptions, birthday parties, corporate events and other social functions.

And he is a current member of Synergy Toastmasters where he can be seen delivering and evaluating speeches. The club meets on the first and third Wednesday of every month.

He has a self-deprecating, silly but likable sense of humour often referencing popular music and culture.