This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2017 season. This season is now over.

League Of Sideshow Superstars

Circus • Rock

With an emphasis on skill, slapstick and hardcore physical stunts, The League of Sideshow Superstars will have you jumping in your seat and screaming for more.

High octane rock and roll entertainment, with multiple Guinness world record holders, this is a show for everyone that shouldn't be missed by anyone!

Presented by: Gluttony

Gluttony has been a Fringe venue for seven years, and ocassionally collaborates with artists or companies to create new work. Gluttony produced Showtime in 2016 and has worked alongside Highwire Events and Entertainment to create Papillon (2014-2017).

This venue is wheelchair accessible, for accessibility bookings please call (08) 8100 2000 during office hours