This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2020 season. This season is now over.

Latin Rock Cassette

Music • Rock
South Australia
Latitude 0° is a tribute band formed by four South American born musicians that now call Australia home, and offers a musical alternative of Latin expression through the universal language of Rock. A celebration of cultural diversity for our growing Aussie-Latin community.

Rewind memories of the most iconic and influential Hispanic & Latin American Rock / Pop artists such as Soda Stereo, Mana, Hombres G, among many others. This unique, energetic and passionate show will take you back to the glorious mixtape days.

Presented by: Latitude 0°

Latitude 0° is a Tribute Rock Band integrated by 4 passionate and talented music performers from Colombia and Venezuela, in love with Rock, Funk, Pop and all the musical variety from their culture of origin. This musical project was created in 2018 in Adelaide, South Australia.