A well lit picture of Bill, hanging out with a candle.
Bill Egan yells at the crowd,  Hear his mighty comedic roar.
Bill rolls around being a beast.

Jokes to make Love to...

Comedy • Stand-up
South Australia • World Premiere

In August, 1973, Marvin Gaye released the seminal album ‘Let’s get it on’.  For decades, humans and beasts alike have been making love to those steamy tunes.

This is comedy’s answer to ‘Let’s get it on’.

Bill promises ZERO references to any current viruses and ZERO kink shaming whilst battling possums and bats for your attention in a lush al-fresco setting.

He prances about saying hilarious things as he grapples with the question:  'Am I manly enough to be on Chinese Television?'

His hot takes on big issues such as doing jobs, going grocery shopping, having dreams and lobsters will put you in the mood for love. No topic is off limits in this saucy romp!

Let's get it on.

★★★★★‘Bill Egan is a genius. An absurdist painting come to life...’  -Scotsman 

★★★½  ‘So silly and fun...’- Advertiser 

Presented by: Bill Egan

Bill was born in Adelaide and became a grown up in a bygone era when it was possible to leave. He spent most of his big boy years frivolously avoiding responsibility living with questionable legal status in foreign lands. Somewhere along the way he discovered people would let him talk into a microphone at some pubs.
Bill has performed stand up comedy in Canada, The United States, The UK, Australia and Luxembourg.
He was living and performing in the UK before a certain global catastrophe brought him home to the the sunburnt bosom of Australia.
He also enjoys dancing, cooking, animals, trees and writing about himself in third person..
Bob Hawke once told him he could be the Prime Minister if he wanted to. He doesn't.

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