This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2020 season. This season is now over.

Joel Creasey - Messy Bitch

Australia • SA Premiere
Joel Creasey, Australia's Crown Prince of Comedy, returns for another season of sauce and sass with his latest stand up show 'Messy Bitch'.
You'll know Joel from his sashaying down a red carpet wearing something extravagant with several champagnes under his belt or from his numerous television appearances; 'Eurovision', 'Mardi Gras', 'Take Me Out' or 'Show Me the Movie'. Perhaps you saw his global Netflix special or read his autobiography 'Thirsty'?
However, live on stage is where you get to meet the real Joel. The unfiltered and unscripted Joel who'll regale you with tales from his life in and out of the spotlight. It will get messy 'cos, like us all, he really is a Messy Bitch.

Presented by: Live Nation