• Circus
Have you ever seen a giant block of jelly - wobbly, jiggly and strong enough to stand on? From local and international award-winning circus creators, Jascha Boyce and Joren Dawson, this Adelaide Fringe hit takes you on an acrobatic adventure into the brains of young humans guided by interviews with kids about what emotions really are and how we feel them. Don't miss this roller coaster filled with real stories about being a kid and plenty of squishy, messy jelly that will inspire people, young and old, to ask the question 'what makes you, you?'.

★★★★ "No matter what age you are, this show will be your jam!" Scenstr

★★★★1/2 "A celebration of curiosity, wonder, exploration, and being completely present and physically in touch with the world around us" The Adelaide Show

Presented by: Ampersand, with support from Gravity & Other Myths

Ampersand is Gravity & Other Myths’ (GOM’s) eccentric, zany cousin. We support the creation of new work, professional and emerging, that sits on the outskirts of GOM’s ensemble productions. We craft gutsy & bold custom experiences and activations for private, corporate & festival events. And last but not least, we guide connections, relationships and involvement of local and international work in the Australian festival circuit. Ampersand is a new baby, conceived by Jascha Boyce, founding member and current company director of GOM and Joren Dawson, her husband, an ensemble member of GOM and co-creator of La Soiree’s Club Swizzle. Ampersand creates ideas and makes them happen.