1968-1979 Lucille’s Key Punch Centres in SA, Vic and NSW trained data entry operators and all were employed. 1986-2000 her Australian Executive Women’s Network’s workshops assisted school leavers into careers. Now her “Inspire Institute of Masterminds” assists High School & University graduates to start their own small businesses with experienced mentors and business partners.
The workshop price includes a FREE Ebook.
Is being officially launched at the 2023 Adelaide Fringe Festival with a two hour workshop open to students and adults who are keen to learn what they were born to do in their lives.
Since 1987 Lucille has been presenting a five day workshop titled ‘Tomorrow’s Executive Workshop’. It has helped hundreds of school leavers and adults returning to the workforce, to understand their higher purpose in life. Once you know your natural talents, your life becomes joyful and passionate, because you’re doing something you love.
The two hour workshop at the Fringe Festival is an introduction to the longer five day “Tomorrow’s Executive Workshop” that once completed enables you to enrol into the Inspire Institute’s 12 month small business program where you can create your own business, with the help of Mentors and a Business Partner.
If you’re not sure what you want to do when you leave school or university or maybe you’re not happy in your current employment, then join the Fringe Workshop and let’s discover what you were born to be doing.
You will receive a FREE copy of the student text book, Lucille has written based on her best selling book “How to Ask for What You Want and GET IT!
Presented by: Lucille Orr