A collection of 4 digital performances created by emerging artists from different subgenres of the performing arts. Our online platform includes works of moving image, video dance, music, multimedia arts, and performance with augmented reality. Featuring: Swedish multi-creative artist Kristina Hanses aka KEJH, New York based Japanese choreographer and performer Tomo Sone, Greek dancer, choreographer, and musician Efi Tetringa, and Glasgow based Chinese film maker and visual artist Wei Zhang.
"I recommend you see the diversity of experimental work on display here. A reminder of what fringe used to be all about."
"I just had a moment where I was like whoa, I'm watching contemporary dance, on my phone, in Starbucks. This is exactly what excites me about digital arts."
InsightsDigital is an online production that can be watched on all devices - phone, tablet, laptop, smart tv, computer...
Presented by: InsightsPlatforms
InsightsPlatforms are a Scottish based disability-inclusive organisation, and we produce work by disabled, and non-disabled emerging artists, both national and international, who create work within the performing arts. We produce two different formats of platform: InsightsLive, our live, staged platform, and InsightsDigital, our online platform. Each platform includes a collection of works by emerging artists from different performing arts subgenres, allowing audiences to experience multiple forms of the performing arts within one production. To date, we’ve produced and presented platforms at arts festivals as well as facilitating independent platforms across Scotland and England, including events in Edinburgh, London, Newcastle, Leeds, and Aberdeen, as well as multiple digital events.
Ticket Prices
BankSA Cardholder:
Watch From Home Full Price: $15.00
Concession: $12.00
Prices may not be available on all sessions
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction Fee (some exceptions apply). Read more at Fees explained.
1 Venue
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