Inside the Walls: A Giant Pop-Up Book Ghost Story

• Puppetry
Sold out at The National Theatre and returning to Adelaide by popular demand!

Prepare for unexpected surprises, scary shadows and shoes that walk themselves in this dark tale of pop-up books, puppetry, video animation and surround sound. Join performer Theresa O'Connor in this exhilarating adventure story designed for children to overcome their fears and expand their imagination. Are you ready for what's Inside the Walls?

"I didn't think it would be that scary. It was cool" Matthew 10yrs.
"A wild and scary adventure. Full of mystery and intrigue and your kids will love it" Weekend Notes.
"Magical tale. Stunning imagery. Pure delight" Stage Whispers.
"A multi-talented and creative genius...down to every intricate detail." Donna and kids.
"When are you making the sequel?" Christopher 11yrs

Presented by: Salt and Poppet Theatre

Salt and Poppet Theatre is a bijou puppetry company based in Melbourne, Australia. We create seasoned puppet projects combining the construction and performance of puppets, in order to break down boundaries and peel open the envelope of ordinary life. Our work is daring and different, combining art forms to create new and exciting work for young and old.
Theresa O’Connor, Lead Artist at Salt and Poppet, created Inside the Walls during her Children’s Literature Fellowship at the State Library of Victoria, with added assistance from Creative Victoria and Auspicious Arts Projects.
It has played at the Melbourne Puppetry Festival, Melbourne Fringe Festival, sold out at the National Theatre and by popular demand with a Fringe Artist Grant it returns to Adelaide for it's second season.

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