This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2022 season. This season is now over.

In Their Footsteps makes its South Australian Premiere
Starring Suzann James, Rowena Robinson, Linda Nicholls-Gidley, Nola Bartolo and Sonya Kerr
In Their Footsteps - Sydney Production 2021
In Their Footsteps - Sydney Production 2021

In Their Footsteps

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Verbatim
New South Wales • SA Premiere

It’s been 50 years since thousands of young American women served their country in Vietnam, and their stories have remained largely untold... until now.

Based on the true accounts of five extraordinary women, ‘In Their Footsteps’ is a deeply moving, time traveling piece that brings us a better understanding of the Vietnam experience from a uniquely female perspective. It tells us of jobs that have been long overlooked, service unrecognised and victims of war whose names have been long forgotten. It reminds us of the long-term pain, horrors and specifically health implications of serving your country during the Vietnam War.

It reminds us of the histories we hear...and importantly, the ones that we don’t. 

"Playful, powerful and loving, this is an unmissable remembrance." - Reviews by Judith


Presented by: Theatre Travels

Theatre Travels is a Sydney based Production and Arts Media company. Following great success at the 2020 Adelaide Fringe Festival with Theatre Travels' productions of Girl Shut Your Mouth (The Advertiser 5 Star Production) and Bleach, the company returns to Adelaide with 2 more fantastic, female driven works in 2022.

As a female led company, Theatre Travels prioritises the telling of female led stories that represent real womxn; flawed, powerful and authentic.

Theatre Travels has produced 17 productions since launching in 2018. Theatre Travels is also known for its active reviewing site nationwide, which, since launching in 2019 has published over 1200 reviews.