In Pour Taste: A Comedy Wine Tasting Experience - Two men in white shirts, block pants, with black ties are standing in front of giant wooden wine casts, holding wine glasses in their hands

In Pour Taste: A Comedy Wine Tasting Experience

• Comedy
Victoria • SA Premiere

In an experience that could only be described as “goon bag in quantity, champagne in quality”, Melbourne comedians Sweeney Preston and Ethan Cavanagh will be joined by wine expert Henry Doyle as they guide you through 5 wines and at least 5 jokes. 

Performed at the beautiful wine bar Super Bueno in the heart of Adelaide’s CBD, this is a must for any Fringe bucket list! 

Everyone from worldly wine wankers to clueless chardonnay chuggers will find something to make their glass half full as all the wine industry’s most hard-hitting questions are answered:

How far should I extend my pinky when sipping? What the f**k is a tannin? And who’s parked in the clearway out front, you’re about to be towed?

Important information:

The ticket price for this comedy show includes 5 delicious wine tastings.

The $0 Companion Card tickets provide entry for Companions to this event (when purchased alongside a paid ticket). If you wish to enjoy what is on offer for this event you have the option to purchase a paid ticket

Presented by: Sweeney and Ethan Presents

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