Immoral Kombat
Immoral Kombat is an improvised cosplay parody production. Mortal Kombat and its characters are registered trademarks of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. This production is not endorsed by or affiliated with Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and/or third party licencors.
PIC: Player Saskia De Muir by Steamkittens
Presented by: Immoral Kombat
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain... because he shouldn't be there, I have no idea who he is, it's a woman doing everything. Security!"
Mema Sifa has been fascinating folks with her naughty nerdlesque nonsense for many moons. In 2014 the feathered fangirl founded Adelaide’s original gang of glittered geeks "Bazinga Burlesque" which she produced five years of "BAZINGA! Nerdlesque Nights" (a nerdy burlesque variety show) with in the Adelaide Fringe. In 2015 as Bazinga Burlesque she created 8 player burlesque battle “Immoral Kombat” which has taken over Bazinga Burlesque and dissolved it - FATALITY! In addition to presenting memorable and fun nerdlesque parodies, Mema Sifa is a multi-titled international nerdlesque performer in her own right. Follow her on instagram: @memasifa