Imagine, the Beatles meet Jesus - Four silhouettes walking in one direction, one in the other towards them.

Imagine, the Beatles meet Jesus

Imagine what sort of conversation the Beatles and Jesus would have about the stuff of life.

The Beatles wrote some of the most memorable pop songs of the modern era, reflecting on life, love, and the longings of living. Many young people took to heart the message of their songs, and the influence of their lyrics live on to this day.

Jesus also has things to say about life, and a different group of young people, known as the Jesus Music Pioneers, discovered around the same time that another perspective was possible and real, pointing the way to liberation, revolution, and resolution.

How might the songs from both groups interact on some of life’s enduring questions? Come and find out!

South Australia
Sat, 08 Mar - Sat, 22 Mar
90 min
2 venues
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
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