I'll Tell You This For Nothing - My Mother The War Hero

Theatre and Physical Theatre
New Zealand • Australian Premiere
Honoured with France's highest decoration, the Legion d'Honneur, for her bravery in WWII, Irish nurse Phyllis spoke of bombs screaming overhead, of crawling around hospital tents, the constant stream of wounded and dying soldiers. Sent to the front lines on D-Day, Phyllis followed the battles through Europe and finally to the liberation of Belsen. Amid this drama she found the love of her life, a Catholic, thus igniting a personal war with her mother, a Protestant.

Award-winning director and actor Kate Jason Smith brings to life the dramatic and often humorous tale of her mother's life in this acclaimed show about war, courage, danger and romance.

"A brisk and lively solo storyteller" Scotsman
"Beautifully devised" Theatreview

Nominated for Best Performance Dunedin Fringe 2019

Presented by: Kate JasonSmith and Hartstone-Kitney Productions

Writer & Performer - Kate JasonSmith
Director - Jan Bolwell
Dramaturg - Deb Filler
Designer - Lisa Maule
Soundscape: David Downes
Tailoring: Anne de Geus
Graphic Design: Tabitha Arthur
Accent Coach: Hilary Norris

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