This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2020 season. This season is now over.

Hugh Sheridan Unplugged

South Australia
Join Hugh Sheridan (of California Crooners Club, TV, film and theatre fame) for a stripped-back solo show. While he now calls the States home, he's back for our unmissable festival season to serve up this late-night treat. Ranging from his own original songs to some classic favourites, this set will ooze with the atmosphere Hugh creates wherever he performs, be it LA clubs, the Sydney Opera House or this summer weekend in Adelaide. Seven shows only.

Presented by: Gluttony

Gluttony is a vibrant, quirky, popular outdoor hub - a festival within a festival at the Adelaide Fringe. Gluttony has been running since 2011 getting bigger every year, with a focus on being an arts hub.