HOW TO MAKE A BIMBO - Moisty Magic stands front on, nude, holding their rainbow hair out to one side, with the text 'How to make a Bimbo' overlay across their chest.


Cabaret • Solo show
South Australia • World Premiere

Gender is performative, and Moisty Magic is here to steal the show! On a quest for quick cash, Moisty ended up discovering their true self. A politically charged story about unpacking internalised misogyny and coming to terms with identity. Be prepared to have your views of gender challenged by a bimbo in 8-inch heels and a tiny bikini. 

Academic by day, sex worker by night, and performance activist anytime they get the chance, Moisty brandishes opinions as loud as their hair and wit as sharp as their eyeliner. They don’t fit in a box and neither does this show - the perfect blend of cabaret, burlesque, drag, dance and sideshow.

“She’s [They] a queer intersectional feminist and who will make all your campy Texas drag Queen wrapt in pure slithery magic dreams come true” – Alyssa Kitt

Presented by: Big Cl!t Energy Productions

Big Cl!t Energy. Our artists have got it and they’re not afraid to use it! Never shy or quiet, but not cocky either (pun intended). They’re a community of performers of all genders and sexualities, that radiate such confidence in their diversity that you’ll want some of that BCE too!