This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

CANCELLED - HOSPO: the midweek late show - The word "Hospo" is written three times in different shades of neon.

CANCELLED - HOSPO: the midweek late show

South Australia • World Premiere


Who looks after the crew that looks after you? We do!

Comedy? YES CHEF; Midweek? YES CHEF.

Only the weak go out at weekends. You’re better than that.

Hosted by international comedy power-hoose, Gary McCallister you’ll get a great night out, 3 comedians and a chance to kick back, after all, this is your time.

Reservations please.

Hospo is brought to you from the team behind Phatcave, Petty B*tches, Mickey D and Auntie Boo's Variety Diner in conjunction with Nick Finn.

Presented by: Mick & Boo in association with Nick Finn