Sam and Bob, played by Michael Edwards and Daniel Llewelyn-Williams.
Photo by Cam Harle
Sam and Bob played by Michael Edwards and Daniel Llewelyn-Williams. Photo by Cam Harle
Sam and Bob played by Michael Edwards and Daniel Llewelyn-Williams. Photo by Cam Harle

Horse Country - A Surreal Comedy

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Comedy
United Kingdom

Written by CJ Hopkins

Directed by Mark Bell ('The Play that Goes Wrong') 

★★★★★ “Two of the most brilliant idiots one has the pleasure of being forced to watch.” New York Herald 

★★★★★ "A really substantial piece of theatre" The Scotsman 

★★★★★ "Dazzling" Get Your Coats On 

"This is great writing and super acting... a Fringe hidden gem" Fringe

Winner of the Best of the Fringe Firsts at the Edinburgh Fringe.

An absurdist black comedy.

Like Laurel and Hardy performing 'The Dumb Waiter', on acid, Bob and Sam, two clowns, shoot the breeze, waiting for… something. They talk and talk without saying anything. Their existence highlights the futility of free will in a system designed to imprison and challenges the notion that art and freedom of expression has any chance of saving us. 


Presented by: Flying Bridge Theatre Company and Joanne Hartstone

Performed by Daniel Llewelyn-Williams and Michael Edwards.

Three things about Flying Bridge Theatre Company:

We want to hold a mirror up to life and expose truth and untruth and inequality.

Good theatre should be “about” something – should prompt a change of perspective, a new direction.

We want our work to inspire others to make great social art, to continue a conversation that we are a proud part of.

'Horse Country' is proudly co-presented by Joanne Hartstone.

Joanne Hartstone is a multi-award winning theatre-maker, producer and presenter from South Australia. She has a reputation of producing artistic work of integrity and quality, and is a major figure of the Fringe world.

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Standing ovation 1
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