This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2018 season. This season is now over.


Australian Premiere
A dance fantasy inspired by the music of Armand Amar's "HOME".

Presented by: Shakti & The Garage International

“Dance genius has been used to describe more than once the fiery mix of beauty, brains, artistic ambiguity and tantalizingly sexual cheekiness that makes up the brilliance we know as Shakti. But Shakti is more than just a dancer. She has become a beacon for those that wish to throw away the shackles of the world in which we live but never quite dare to.” G. King – director Anglo-Japanese Society, London
Born to a Japanese mother and Indian father, educated in New York and now currently living in the Adelaide Hills, Shakti has embraced all cultures and blended it in a "fiery mix of the sacred and the profane." Her artistic career takes her from London, New York, Berlin, Moscow, Kiev, Paris, Seoul, Beijing, Kolkota, Delhi as well as Edinburgh and Avignon and more.