This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2017 season. This season is now over.


Theatre and Physical Theatre


Hey Wally, this is my friend Paula!

Hi Paula, nice to meet you. Do you know where the nearest exit is?

HeySorryGottaGoBye is an honest, funny and compelling exploration of our deepest social phobias. A multisensory installation of animation, puppetry, film and soundscapes.

HeySorryGottaGoBye transports you into the mind of Wally, a young man plagued by the nightmares of his own insecurities.

HeySorryGottaGoBye is the second show from Claudia Osborne.

Presented by: Claudia Osborne

Hey Wally, this is my friend Paula!

Hi Paula, nice to meet you. Do you know where the nearest exit is?

HeySorryGottaGoBye is an honest, funny and compelling exploration of our deepest social phobias. A multisensory installation of animation, puppetry, film and soundscapes HeySorryGottaGoBye transports you into the mind of Wally, a young man plagued by the nightmares of his own insecurities.

HeySorryGottaGoBye is the second show from Claudia Osborne.