A dark forest with the words Grimm DNA depicting the titles of the two plays being presented
A blank, old open book with the title 'The Brother's Grimm Spectaculathon' followed by the playwright's name, Don Zolidis
An eery forest with the title of the play 'DNA' followed by the playwright's name, Dennis Kelly

Grimm DNA - a double bill

Actually Acting Youth Theatre presents 2 x one-act plays as a double bill.

First, 'The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon' by Don Zolidis
Three narrators recreate some of the 209 fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, attempting to combine them into one gigantic fable using Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and other more obscure stories like Lean Lisa and The Devil's Grandmother.

​After the interval we present 'DNA' by Dennis Kelly 
A group of teenagers do something bad, really bad, then panic and cover the whole thing up. But when they find that the cover-up unites them and brings harmony to their otherwise fractious lives, where's the incentive to put things right? DNA is a poignant and, sometimes, hilarious tale with a very dark heart.

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Theatre
South Australia
Sat, 22 Feb - Sun, 23 Feb
120 min
Theatre at Tower Arts Centre (TAC)
M (2 Warnings)
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
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  • Bang for your buck 1
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  • Hidden Gem 1
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