This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2022 season. This season is now over.

Greg Hart - Neil Diamond and Me - Greg Hart’s first-class performance as Neil Diamond will have you dancing from the inside out. With such a huge choice of repertoire written by Diamond, this show just jumps from one hit to the next leaving audiences enthralled.

Greg will perform songs including, Sweet Caroline, Crunchy Granola Suite, I Am I Said, America, Forever in Blue Jeans and more. 

Book early to avoid disappointment, as Greg’s show always sell quickly.

Greg Hart - Neil Diamond and Me

Music • Storytelling
South Australia

Greg Hart’s first-class performance as Neil Diamond will have you dancing from the inside out. With such a huge choice of repertoire written by Diamond, this show just jumps from one hit to the next leaving audiences enthralled. Greg will perform songs including, Sweet Caroline, Crunchy Granola Suite, I Am I Said, America, Forever in Blue Jeans and more. Book early to avoid disappointment, as Greg’s show always sell quickly.

Please note: The performance has changed times from 8.00pm to 9.00pm since the Adelaide Fringe Guide was printed.

Presented by: City of Onkaparinga