This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2019 season. This season is now over.

Go Your Own Way

Music • Rock

The ultimate celebration of the timeless music that is Fleetwood Mac! Re-Live the sounds of the 70’s as one of Adelaide’s finest live music acts recreate the classics with world class musicianship.

Koral is known for her deliverance of raw, powerful vocals and the flawless musical foundations of her band; The Goodbye Horses. Influenced by the crackle of Australian AM radio in their formative years, it's no surprise the band connects so passionately with the Fleetwood Mac songbook.

Let Koral & The Goodbye Horses take you on a one hour journey through the biggest hits and ballads of Fleetwood Mac - from the sublime groove of Dreams past the folk infused rebel yell that is second hand news to the singalong anthem, Go Your Own Way!

Grab your pals and Go Your Own Way in this Fringe!

Presented by: CONNOR JOLLY