Genuine & Authentic | Adelaide Fringe

This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2018 season. This season is now over.

Genuine & Authentic

• Installation
Genuine & Authentic excavates themes of queer identity, concerned with the opposition of public and private lives. Exploring and questioning why authenticity and the power structures it creates is privileged. It examine situations where inauthenticity and contradictions can create a new narrative that enhances queer culture.

Presented by: Derek Sargent

Derek Sargent graduated from the University of South Australia in 2013 where he won the Constance Gordon-Johnson Sculpture and Installation Prize. He has exhibited at the National Graduate Exhibition at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, and the Helpmann Academy Graduate exhibition. He has also had individual exhibitions at Fontanelle in Adelaide, Paper Mountain in Perth, Constance in Hobart and Firstdraft Gallery in Sydney.He have also been exhibited in both New York and London. In 2015 he was awarded the Anne & Gordon Samstag international visual arts scholarship and traveled to London to complete a Graduate Diploma in Fine Art at the Chelsea College of the Arts.