This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2018 season. This season is now over.

Garry Starr Performs Everything

Comedy • Cabaret
World Premiere
Disgraced actor Garry Starr is going it alone. Following his dismissal from the Royal Shakespeare Company for multiple counts of gross misconduct he is determined to defy his critics by mounting his own production in which he will perform every genre of the arts in under 60 mins. Will he succeed? Probably not.
Praise for Plague of Idiots:
"A wonderful night of pure absurdity" ★★★★1/2 - The Clothesline
"Bizarre and brilliant in equal measure" ★★★★ - Broadway Baby
"Simple, strange and hilariously stupid" - The West Australian
"A feast for the young at heart" ★★★★★ - Gossamer Magazine
"Side-splitting humour would be no exaggeration" ★★★★1/2 - The Upside News
"Riotously funny...full-throttle nonsense" ★★★★ - Fringe Guru

Presented by: Plague of Idiots

The Plague of Idiots produce ridiculous physical comedy shows for international audiences filled with simple, beautiful idiocy.

They have sold out shows at the Gilded Balloon (Edinburgh Fringe), The Garden of Unearthly Delights (Adelaide Fringe), Fringe World (Perth), The Wardrobe Theatre (Bristol), Camden Comedy Room (London), Comedy Cafe Berlin and the Western Australian Circus Festival.

The Idiots convoked while studying clown at École Philippe Gaulier in 2013 and hail from France, Italy, England, Switzerland and Australia.