Fundamental Human Stupidity - A photo of a person wearing a white hat, blue checked shirt and green top staring at the ground with their face hidden from view. The background behind them features pink, purple and white flowers.

Fundamental Human Stupidity

Comedy • Stand Up
New South Wales • Australian Premiere
In 1735 Carl Linnaeus came up with the term Homo sapiens literally meaning 'wise human'. Given recent events, if he tried that now he'd be lucky not to get done for false advertising. Let's face it from the beginning of history human beings have been unquestionably stupid and not just the stupid ones! From tulips that cost as much as a house, atomic vacuum cleaners to planking, bubbling or whatever idiotic social media trend has emerged in 2021. Stupidity has been one of humanity's abiding and fundamental characteristics. Join stand up philosopher Stephen Sheely for a mostly funny random walk through the history of human stupidity as he attempts to understand why we are so stupid and if there is anything that we can do about it.

Presented by: Stephen Sheely

As a professional philosopher and university lecturer Stephen has been talking for a living for 40 years and he has no intention of stopping now.