This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2024 season. This season is now over.

Black text on white that says "Like leap into the void?" "No i wasn't thinking leap into the void."
The foot is drawn on a white background. It looks hand drawn even though it is a digital drawing.
In a speech bubble the words performance are handwritten. The word foot is written outside of this speech bubble as the title of the show suggesting foot and performance.


Cabaret • Performance art
South Australia

A chaotic combination of bland assertion, astute guesswork, fake analogy, dazzling insight, hopeless nonsense, shockmanship, showmanship, wisecracks and oracular mystification, all mingling cockily and indiscriminately in an endless and random monologue.

Presented by: Matthew Gorgula

Matthew is an emerging artist and is very excited to premiere a brand new live solo performance for the Adelaide Fringe.

Cheerful whistling permitted.