Felicity Ward - I'm Exhausting!
Best Comedy Nominee - Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2018
Best International Show - New Zealand Comedy Festival, 2016
Best Show Nominee – Melbourne International Comedy Festival, 2012
Star of the upcoming The Office (Australia), Felicity Ward returns home for her first national tour in 5 years…only to make you laugh! Out loud. For all 60 minutes. Birth, Quorn, fingering, and transition lenses – there's no matter too big or too small that she can't get worked up about. As seen on Wakefield. As heard on The Guilty Feminist podcast.
"...a rolling, ballsy, crazy show that draws near-standing ovations.” The Times
"On stage Ward is the life and soul of the party, energising the audience and bouncing back off them, too” Chortle
Presented by: Laughing Stock Productions
Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts
Joyfully funny…her originality and sheer inventiveness stay with you long after. - Edinburgh Evening News
Relentless... easily her best Fringe show to date - The Mirror
On stage Ward is the life and soul of the party, energising the audience and bouncing back off them, too - Chortle
The strongest single hour of solid jokes comes from Felicity Ward ... - The Times
gag after gag after gag, in a rolling, ballsy, crazy show that draws near-standing ovations. - The Times