This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2021 season. This season is now over.

Three men wearing black suit jackets, white shirts and black ties stand looking with blank expressions. The two men on the outer have their hands in their pockets, the man in the centre has his arms crossed. There is white paint dribbling down a black wall in the background.

EVOLETAH 'Run with the Hunted' Official Album Launch

Music • Rock
South Australia • SA Premiere

There are times when a work of art – a film, a book, an album – seems to reveal more than its content.
It speaks to the life of its creator, not simply as confessional or catharsis, nor as a clamor for our attention; but rather, as a kind of whisper. A note shared in secret.
As such, ‘Run with the Hunted’ takes the mood and palette of its much acclaimed 2014 predecessor ‘We ache for the Moon’ and crafts them into a more liquid form.

EVOLETAH 2021 is a shimmering prospect, coloured with strings, brass and female vocals, and spiced with delicious musical asides.
The band eagerly looks forward to playing this album live for you, in one of Adelaide's most beautiful historic venues and for those that desire a more unique experience, there is the option of a 'Meal/Show' ticket, main & dessert.

DOORS OPEN: 5.30pm
BAND ON STAGE: Approx. 8pm

Presented by: Paper Rock Scissors Records

A 'Fiercely Independent' Australian Record Label, specialising in 'Musical …..Art, for arts' sake'!

EST: 2005

Please note: This event has a Meal and Show option, or Show Only. For Meal and Show arrive at 6pm. For Show Only arrive at 8pm.