This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2017 season. This season is now over.

Evan Desmarais: I Like Me

Comedy • Stand Up
This is my 4th trip to Adelaide! I love the city and I can't wait to tell you guys some more jokes! I Like Me is about hating yourself, liking yourself, loving yourself and doing it or not. That all mixed in with some real sweet jokes.

Presented by: Evan Desmarais

What separates Desmarais is to be found in his attitude: he is an open and earnest comic, and aggressively chipper in his crowd-work, able to tackle weird, gross and difficult topics and still keep it pretty light and upbeat. Touring internationally this Canuck has spread his unique comedy across the globe from Edinburgh to Adelaide. In Canada he has performed in festivals including Just For Laughs 42, Dark Comedy Festival, Sketchfest and more. Evan has opened for some of the biggest names in comedy including Jim Jeffries, Kyle Kinane, and Chris Hardwick.