Two female friends sharing laughs and good vibes in a cozy setting.  Brunette in black sleeveless top, pink-haired woman in white sleeveless top.
Two women sitting next to each other, brunette in black wheelchair and pink-haired woman leaning back on a white fluffy chair against a vibrant pink background
Two women sitting next to each other and laughing brunette in black wheelchair and pink-haired woman leaning back on a white fluffy chair against a vibrant pink background

Em & Maddie Solve Your Problems

Got a problem? Em & Maddie are here to help!

Em and Maddie are two unapologetically Disabled Queer girlies in their 30s.
They ain't got nothing figured out, except that they love to be the centre of attention. And when it comes to dishing out unsolicited advice, they're all over it!

So expect the unexpected (and some good laughs) as Em and Maddie solve ya problems, big or small. Everyday ableism? Ridiculous situationships? Housemate dramas? Out of control pets? And just how much is too much Taylor Swift?

Come find out what all the fuss is about and why Sydney Fringe Festival awarded them the 'Adelaide Fringe Tour Ready Award Winner' and finalist for Best Comedy Show.

Email your problems for Em & Maddie to OR bring your most socially inappropriate NSFW dramas along to the show and use the QR code provided on the night to anonymously send and vote for problems to be solved

Comedy • Disability Led
New South Wales • SA Premiere
d/Deaf and/or Lived Experience of Disability Shows
Sun, 16 Mar - Tue, 18 Mar
60 min
Chateau Apollo
R18+ (4 Warnings)
$20 to $40
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details

Got a problem? Em & Maddie are here to solve your most inappropriate and uncomfortable conundrums


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Session details

Tue, 18 Mar

7:30pm - 8:30pm

Chateau Apollo  

More information

Venue details, Session accessibility

Venue details

Chateau Apollo, 74 Frome St, Adelaide, Kaurna

Step-free mobility aid access through the main entrance with an accessible bathroom.
Venue is suitable for all ages
Detailed venue info and space accessibility
Session accessibility
Relaxed Performance

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  • Type
  • Full price
  • Concession


    Available for holders of an Australian Government issued Seniors, Concession or Full Time Student card. The venue has the right to deny entry to a ticket holder if they cannot provide proof of concession or membership entitlement.

  •   Companion Card


    Patrons who hold a Companion Card can book a complimentary ticket for their companion/carer. Please sign in to your MyFringe account and verify your Companion Card here. Contact us for more info at or on 08 8100 2089.

  • VIP


    Best seat in the house - front row plus a glass of house bubbly on arrival