Effie hero image
Effie landscape portrait
Effie landscape portrait

Effie in UpYourselfness

I am...


Cheap yet Expensive

Deep yet Shallow

Thick yet Thin


I am a mass of contradictions & I am not alone.

I’m Full of It. Are Youse?

Right now there's an ugly bitch-fight happening between political correctness & freedom of speech...and I reckon I have the antidote.


Join Effie as she walks us through the political and social landmines of isms – feminism, racism, sexism, wokeism, pronounism and goodlookingism – as we try to make sense of the latest version of human evolution without losing a sense of who we are. 


“UpYourselfness is Effie's ode to herself and a statement of defiance against a world crumbling under an avalanche of political correctness. It is also very hilarious.” City Hub 

“Effie knows how to tell a story, make a point and hit home” Glam Adelaide

Comedy • Stand-Up
New South Wales
Culturally and/or linguistically diverse
Fri, 14 Mar - Sat, 15 Mar
60 min
The Vagabond at The Garden of Unearthly Delights
MA15+ (2 Warnings)
$42 to $50
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details


  • Cleverly written with sharp, politically incorrect yet hilarious imagery, this show was more social commentary than a straight up comedy. - Koraly Dimitriadis, Stage Whispers

  • UpYourselfness is Effie’s ode to herself and a statement of defiance against a world crumbling under an avalanche of political correctness. - Rita Bratovich, City Hub

  • Effie is all about being relatable and remaining true to yourself. - Natalie Salvo, Scenestr

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts

  • Cleverly written with sharp, politically incorrect yet hilarious imagery, this show was more social commentary than a straight up comedy. - Koraly Dimitriadis, Stage Whispers

  • UpYourselfness is Effie’s ode to herself and a statement of defiance against a world crumbling under an avalanche of political correctness. - Rita Bratovich, City Hub

  • Effie is all about being relatable and remaining true to yourself. - Natalie Salvo, Scenestr

Season has ended