DISCOVERY - A Daft Punk Tribute - Two artists dressed in Daft Punk attire, with Demin jackets and the iconic gold helmets.

DISCOVERY - A Daft Punk Tribute

Discovery ​​is​​ Australia’s ​​tribute​ ​to ​​the ​​music ​​and ​​image ​​of ​​French ​​electro​​house ​​legends Daft​​Punk.​​ Complete ​​with​​ authentic​​ signature​​ gold​​ and​​ silver ​​helmets​​ as​​ well​​ as​ ​an entertaining,​​ fun​​ and​​ party-vibe​​ DJ​​ set​​ of​​ their​​ own​​ produced​​ remixes ​​and ​​mash​​ups ​​to ensure​​ even ​​the ​​purest ​​Daft ​​Punk ​​fan ​​will ​​be ​​in raptures.

The best way to enter the Fantail is to come into the Gluttony site from the Bartels Road entrance.

Music • Dance
Thu, 13 Mar
90 min
The Fantail (open-air) at Gluttony - Rymill Park
$12 to $25
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details