This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2023 season. This season is now over.

Defending the Arts: Contemporary works by members of the Australian Defence Force - Green army boot with splashes of yellow, pink and blue paint

Defending the Arts: Contemporary works by members of the Australian Defence Force

Australia • World Premiere

Defending the Arts is an exhibition by serving Australian Defence Force members. This exhibition will incorporate visual art, performance, technology and research. Our work seeks to connect military life with creativity, to find meaning in military service and to represent the interests of modern defence force members.

The Australian Defence Force Creative Arts Association is a new group for serving ADF members who practice a form of visual or performing arts. ADFCAA promotes collaboration and creative thinking within the ADF; and challenges, encourages and connects members through exhibitions and performances with Australian artists and arts organisations. For more information, please email 

Presented by: Australian Defence Force Creative Arts Association

The Australian Defence Force Creative Arts Association is a new group for serving ADF members who practice a form of visual or performing arts. ADFCAA promotes collaboration and creative thinking within the ADF; and challenges, encourages and connects members through exhibitions and performances with Australian artists and arts organisations. For more information, please email