This show belongs to the Adelaide Fringe 2018 season. This season is now over.

Deaf Comedy Fam

Australian Premiere
One in six people in Scotland suffer from hearing loss. Two of those people are Ray's parents. Full of hilarious tales about growing up with deaf parents, this show will be performed in both Sign Language and English, by Ray himself, in what is believed to be a world first. The show debuted at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to rave reviews from both press and audience members alike.

★★★★★ - Broadway Baby
'Captivating, funny and sharply executed, Deaf Comedy Fam encapsulates what the Fringe is all about.'

★★★★1/2 - ShortCom
"This year's most groundbreaking show"

★★★★ - Voice Mag
'A delightful hour filled with hilarious stories, fascinating information and mesmerising sign language.... I grinned from ear to ear for the entire hour'

NOTE: All performances are Auslan Interpreted

Presented by: Ray Bradshaw

Since starting stand up in late 2008, Ray Bradshaw has gone on to be one of the brightest and most exciting acts on the UK Comedy circuit, having performed sell out solo festival shows in Edinburgh, Adelaide, and Melbourne.

In the past year alone, Ray has performed at the Adelaide Fringe, Melbourne Comedy Festival, Singapore Fringe and Kuala Lumpur Comedy Carnival to name but a few.

A double Scottish Comedian of the Year finalist, Ray has numerous radio credits under his belt with BBC Scotland and Radio 4, as well as recently being the tour support for Ardal O'Hanlon

NOTE: All performances will be Auslan interpreted.